Tea Zen Exhibition

Tea Zen Vancouver is a month long exhibit focused on tea art and culture, curated by local artist and film maker Lam Wong. The event features demonstrations of traditional tea process, displays of tea brewing equipment, as well as the calligraphy of Lam’s father, an artist for whom the sole focus of his work (and life) is tea.

I will be giving a talk (July 21) on the (imperative) relevance of traditional Chinese tea culture and process in the modern, international age. Following the talk, we will be drinking some vintage tea and allowing the tea to teach of its ability in transcending limitations. Be they of age, status, culture and geography.

Vancouver is something of a cross-roads of the world at present, and, as such, it feels the perfect place to be holding this forum on traditional tea culture — Tea Zen. Though it might just as easily be called the Ted talks for tea culture.

Many great events this month in our city. The emerald city of tea! (sorry Seattle — we get this one)

ESTea Zen Vancouver  Tea Zen Exhibition